Trappers oppose new Nevada regulations

We firmly believe that trapping regulations need to change. In most jurisdictions, trapping regulation reforms are desperately needed. Policymakers in Nevada are considering reducing the trap-check times in some areas, from four days to one. That means trappers would need to inspect their traps daily, instead of roughly once a week.

Trappers are viciously opposing this reform because… well, they can’t.

According to the Elko Daily Free Press, a trapper representative stated that checking traps more frequently than once every 96 hours would be “nearly impossible.”

The intent of the change is to reduce potential conflicts; the proposed policy describes the areas affected as ‘heavily used.’

Yet, this is not dissuading trapper’s attempts to bring this policy to an end.

The same fights – without reason, science or respect to the public’s wishes – are fought by trappers in Canada. Be it the importation of dog and cat fur, the signage or identification of traps or even reform to enforcement procedure, trappers oppose it.

But we will not stop fighting them and fighting for the fur-bearing animals of Canada. Join us, and we will be victorious.

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