UPDATE: Dog and Cat Fur Trade

As you may know, the new election wiped out existing Bills C-438 and C-618 –
both of which, if passed would have banned dog and cat fur.

Since that time, MP Peter Julian of the NDP, Burnaby-New Westminster, BC,
tabled a motion in parliament. Below is the text of that motion:


June 6, 2011 – Peter Julian (MP, Burnaby-New Westminster, BC) – That, in the
opinion of the House, the government should: (a) ban the import, export and
sale of dog, and cat fur; (b) impose penalties on individuals and businesses
who deal with unlabeled and falsely labelled dog and cat fur products; and
(c) work with provincial counterparts and the international community to
advance support for the implementation of a complete ban of the trade in all
dog and cat fur products worldwide.

When parliament reconvenes in September, we will likely see the

reintroduction of a bill to ban dog/cat fur. If passed, the bill could also make it law

for manufacturers to label all real fur products.


Paws up to Peter!

Photo: Member of Parliament, Peter Julian.

Once the new bill to ban dog and cat fur has been tabled, and we have a bill number, we will

need your help to get it passed. Stay tuned!

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