Background: Just before the holiday season, our organization, along with our friends at Coyote Watch Canada, got word that Cornwall was asking the Ministry of Natural Resources for permission to trap and kill so-called “nuisance” coyotes in the Eamer’s Corners area.
Between our two organizations (and you, our caring supporters) we fiercely lobbied the MNR, asking them to deny Cornwall’s application to kill coyotes so we can work together to exhaust all non-lethal strategies first.
As a result of our efforts, the MNR has denied Cornwall a permit to kill coyotes!
This year, our groups are looking forward to helping Cornwall develop a non-lethal, “Living with Coyotes” program. This program would focus on non-lethal strategies, education and prevention that would allow residents and coyotes to peacefully coexist.
We’re also happy to report the city of Cornwall has already started discussions with Coyote Watch Canada.
Stay tuned for further developments!