![MakeFurHistory GivingTuesday](https://thefurbearers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2015-11-27_mfhsq.jpg)
But something miraculous has happened in recent years: despite the frenzy-like nature of Black Friday, people realized that they could do more with their money than just buy “stuff” to be given as gifts; they could make a difference. And Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday online) was born.
The Tuesday following the American Thanksgiving weekend has become a fundraiser for virtually every non-profit across Canada and the United States – including The Fur-Bearers. We’re full swing in our #MakeFurHistory campaign and it runs entirely on your support.
By donating just a few dollars a month – the cost of a drink from Starbucks – you help us plan out this campaign. With a one-time donation on Giving Tuesday, you’ll help us boost our reach for educational advocacy videos like the one below, which has already been seen by nearly 100,000 Canadians.
You help us supply more stores, schools and advocates with stickers, pamphlets, and posters, that show why we must act to end the fur industry. You will help #MakeFurHistory.
If you’d like to donate one-time to help us boost this campaign, click here. If you’d like to become a monthly member of The Fur-Bearers (and receive the benefits of membership) click here. We are so very thankful for your support – because we truly believe that with you, we will proudly say one day that we made fur history.