After a devastating year of extreme wildfires and droughts across British Columbia, beavers need to remain in ecosystems to do what beavers do best: keep water on the land. The Fur-Bearers sent an open letter to the BC government calling on the province to recognize the environmental benefits of beavers in its fight against the climate crisis, and end the commercial trapping of these keystone species ahead of the trapping season.
The province has responded to The Fur-Bearers’ call, and sadly, has continued with a status quo where hundreds of beavers are “harvested” for commercial purposes every year, their pelts used in luxury fashion fur products. In the 2022 trapping season, 1,684 beavers were commercially trapped in B.C. Without any new protections, similar numbers will likely be killed in the 2023-2024 trapping season, and along with them, the collapse of the important wetland ecosystems they create.
The statement provided by the province to The Fur-Bearers is below:
“Thank you for providing the September 13, 2023, open letter on behalf of The Fur-Bearers regarding the roles beavers can play in addressing issues related to climate change, and the request to prohibit beaver trapping activities.
As the Province continues to develop new approaches to maintaining and enhancing landscape resiliency in the face of extreme weather events and climate change, we will continue to review the best available science to support those efforts, including any natural support provided by species like beavers.
The Province works with the trapping community to manage the harvest of wild furbearers in a sustainable and respectful manner, so that beavers can fulfil their roles as ecological engineers, while still providing harvest opportunities for trappers. While we always review regulations to address emerging impacts, the cessation of beaver trapping is not contemplated at this time.”
– Statement provided by the Ministry of Forests, September 22, 2023
Take Action!
Add your voice to protect beavers! Contact provincial ministers by using our one-click letter below.
If you are not a Canadian resident, you can email Minister of Forests Bruce Ralston ( and Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship Nathan Cullen (