Bill introduced to protect bear dens in British Columbia

Mother bear and cub in British Columbia. Photo by Tony Joyce.

A bill has been introduced in the British Columbia legislature that would protect bear dens in the province if passed. Bill M 213, Wildlife Amendment Act (No. 3), is a private member’s bill introduced by BC Green Party MLA Adam Olsen.

The amendment to the Wildlife Act would make it offence if anyone “disturbs, molests, damages or destroys a bear den.” Bear dens are protected in some areas in BC such as the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii, but this bill would ensure that bear dens are protected throughout the province against destructive industry practices such as logging.

View the speech from MLA Olsen introducing the bill in the BC legislature.

Take Action!

Residents of British Columbia, you can make a difference to help ensure this bill gets the support it needs to progress through the legislature. Contact your MLA and express your support for this bill. Click here to look up your MLA. Always be polite and respectful in your communications. Some points you may include in your communications:

  • Recommend that the government take steps to protect bear dens and conserve bear habitat in British Columbia.
  • British Columbia needs to ensure that bear dens are legally protected across the entire province.
  • Old growth logging negatively impacts bears by reducing the number of large trees suitable for denning sites.
  • The province needs stronger laws that protect wildlife and biodiversity against harmful industrial activities like logging.

Further Reading

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