448: Beating Back Burnout

Defender Radio Podcast 448: Beating Back Burnout

Between our battles to protect animals, and the seemingly endless stream of terror attacks, natural disasters, and headlines involving Donald Trump, feeling tired isn’t surprising. But it’s important to understand the difference between being a bit tired, and burning out.

With all that’s going on in the world, we thought it was time to talk about mental health with someone who has knowledge of the world of advocacy, as well as the training and expertise to talk about burnout. That’s why we brought Defender Radio host Michael Howie’s wife, Kate Howie, onto the show.

Kate is a concurrent disorders outreach specialist for a health network in Southern Ontario, has an extensive background in counselling on issues like addiction, and an education in sociology and social work. She sat down with Defender Radio to talk about recognizing burnout in ourselves and others, learning the first steps we can take to prevent burnout, and how we can ask for help.

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This week's episode of the Defender Radio podcastis presented with the support ofThe Hearty Hooligan: Food Worth Rioting For. Find them onFacebook,Twitter,Instagram, or atTheHeartyHooligan.com.

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