Episode 109: Something to talk about

Just talking about wildlife and animal welfare isn’t always enough; we have to do it effectively. Whether it’s working with the government, getting through to the media, or helping others get through the media spin, communicating effectively is paramount. In this week’s episode of Defender Radio, we’ve brought together a collection of experts to help us do just that.

Mario Canseco of Insights West shares the remarkable data from a recent poll of British Columbians that could help turn the tide of the government’s attitude about trapping (interview begins 0:00:50). Professor Carrie Packwood Freeman shares the lessons a career in communications has left her about the media, as well as her paper, ‘Giving Voice to the Voiceless (interview begins 0:09:35).’ And IFAW’s seal hunt expert, Sheryl Fink, gives a brief history of the exploitative hunt, the importance of the recent WTO decision on the EU ban of seal products and how the media is being fed a government and industry spin on the story (interview begins at 0:31:39).

To check out this week’s episode, click the ‘play’ button below, download the MP3 or find us on the iTunes store.

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