NEWS BRIEF: 521 – Co-existing With Coyotes In Suburban Burlington

Defender Radio Podcast News Brief: 521 - Co-existing with coyotes in Suburban Burlington

LaSalle Park in Burlington, Ontario, is a beautiful area, right on the shore of Lake Ontario. It’s a diverse area, full of wildlife, walking trails, and natural history. But it’s also where some individuals have complained coyotes are spending time, and not reacting how residents believe the wild canids should. Our Defender Radio Podcast spent a few hours with Lesley Sampson, co-founder and president of Coyote Watch Canada, walking the trails, discussing what factors could lead to behaviour in coyotes that is received as troubling, and what we can do about it. Following their walk, they recorded a conversation in the parking lot of LaSalle Park to review their thoughts.

Hear more in this5-Minute News Brief– the full interview will be available later this week!

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