It’s Time: Ending Fur Farming in BC report online

The Fur-Bearers' report, It's Time: Ending Fur Farming in British Columbia.

The Fur-Bearers are making public their anticipated report, “It’s Time: Ending Fur Farming in British Columbia.”

The report, compiled with The Fur-Bearers’ research and science advisors, was sent to Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham, and is being sent to MLAs across the province.

“We created this report to put in a single place the multitude of concerns across a variety of issues to aide legislators and the public in understanding the current realities of fur farming in British Columbia,” says Lesley Fox, Executive Director of The Fur-Bearers. “There is a clear path forward for government to help fur farmers transition out of the fur industry and into new projects that can help the province meet its climate goals.”

All statements in the report are fully cited. If you’d like to contact your MLA or key policymakers, please click here to be taken to our petition.

SIGN THE PETITION: End Fur Farming in B.C.!

“We invite members of the public to review our report and share it with their friends, community leaders and representatives,” says Fox. “We know that, when the evidence is considered, the majority of people agree: it’s time to end fur farming in British Columbia.”

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Established in 1953, The Fur-Bearers is a charitable, non-partisan organization whose goals are to end the commercial fur trade and promote solutions for wildlife coexistence in communities. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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