Be aware of wildlife
- Scan the road and ditches ahead for animals, especially when travelling at dawn or dusk
- Slow down in a curve, when reaching the crest of a hill or in wildlife populated areas
- Watch for the shining eyes or silhouette of an animal at night and use high beams
- Slow down if an animal is on or near the road and be prepared to stop, as their behaviour is unpredictable – an animal that has crossed the road can turn back in the vehicle's path
- Look for more than one animal – some travel in groups
- Honk in a series of short bursts to chase animals away
- Leave a lot a room when driving around an animal on or near the road – a frightened animal may run in any direction
- Watch for wildlife warning signs, use extra caution and slow down in areas where animal crossing signs are posted
Sourced from: http://www.saferoads.com/drivers/beware-of-wildlife-on-alberta-roads.html
Road safety for summer
- Make sure your vehicle has been recently checked by a mechanic, and replace or repair parts. Also make sure fluid levels and tire pressure are acceptable.
- Wearing your seatbelt is the single most effective thing you can do to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Buckle up!
- Stay alert: take breaks if you’re feeling tired, play vocal games with passengers or even bring along a CD of stand-up comedy to help stay focused.
- Before attaching a trailer of any kind, review your owner’s manual to be sure your vehicle is equipped for the job. Leave extra space while towing a trailer, too, as you’ll need more space to stop.
- Be prepared to slow down in construction zones, which are common in our Canadian summers.
Sourced from: https://canadasafetycouncil.org/traffic-safety/driving-tips-summer-trips