Near Thunder Bay, a 400-pound bear is walking around with a snare cutting into the flesh on his neck. The Ministry of Natural Resources said it has done all it can to help the bear, which they say is too overweight for tranquilizers to be effective. Is that true? Have they really “done all it can to help the bear”? If you can tranquilize an elephant, surely there must be a way to help this bear?
In addition to the bear, a deer has been hobbling through Kenora’s north end with a flower pot tied around her antlers and helping her is apparently “no one’s job”.
A local resident had watched the doe lose weight rapidly with her two fawns in tow, and after calling the the OPP, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the city’s animal control, no one seems to be able to help. Media is reporting that the entire neighbourhood is concerned for the deer’s well-being but no one knows what to do.
Lastly, in Windsor, the City recently voted to trap and kill skunks because residents are complaining of the smell. Knowing full well this action is illegal under provincial regulations, Mayor Eddie Francis said that he basically doesn’t care and the province can sue them. We followed up with the OMNR asking what they are going to do about Windsor, but to date, no action against the city of Windsor has been taken. At this point, it is unclear if the MNR is even interested in enforcing their own legislation.
What you can do:
1. Voice your concern to the Minister of Natural Resources.
Honourable Michael Gravelle
Minister of Natural Resources
179 S. Algoma Street
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 3C1
Toll Free: 1-888-516-5555
[email protected]
2. Express your comments to your local Member of Parliament (MP). Find your MP here.