Our top 3 victories of 2012

Looking back on 2012, we put together a list of our top 3 accomplishments. We would like to thank our members and donors for making these important actions possible. We couldn’t have done it without you!

1. Launched Canada’s largest anti-fur campaign. Winter 2012/2013 our Fur Trim is a Trap campaign exposed the cruelty behind fur trim. Over 500 anti-fur ads hit the subways in Toronto, and a series of online anti-fur ads targeted major cities across Canada. In addition, our most comprehensive anti-fur website was launched, furtrimisatrap.com and we partnered with LUSH to hand out literature, postcards and even took over their front window for a 24-hour anti-fur display – complete with a human in a “leg hold trap”.

2. Saved the lives of several families of Canadian beavers. To help prevent the trapping and killing of beavers, our Association worked with several municipalities to install various flow devices. Using a combination of pipes and exclusion fencing, these flow devices work by managing water levels near beaver dams to control any possible flooding. The result? Beavers can remain in the area and local residents don’t have to worry about cruel or dangerous traps in their neighbourhood. In 2012, we installed a total of 10 flow devices across Canada.

3. Hosted our 2nd annual Living with Wildlife Conference. This event was held on September 29, 2012 in Toronto. It featured over 130 participants and 12 different speakers. Many participants were from various levels of government and animal control agencies. The theme was how to address human-wildlife conflicts with a non-lethal approach. It was a huge success.

For more information about these activities and more, please check our other victories and media coverage archives.

Help us make 2013 an EVEN BETTER year for the animals. JOIN US!


Photo: Beaver.

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Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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