Three Tips to Geocache Safely For Wildlife

A photo of a rabbit
A rabbit in the morning. Photo by Michael Gollop / Getty Images

Geocaching, the GPS-based treasure hunt that takes users of all ages on adventures, is a great way to spend time exploring nature. But it’s important to remember that where we’re exploring may be someone’s home.

The Fur-Bearers put together these three tips to make geocaching fun and reduce the impact on wildlife wherever you play:

  1. Use your voice to let wildlife know you’re nearby. Human voices are unique and distinct, and are often the best way for nearby animals to know you’re around – and thus prevent surprise or negative encounters. Talk out loud or sing a song to make sure you’re heard before you’re seen!
  2. Look before you leap. A cache hidden in a tree stump can make a weary or excited geocacher reach in for the quick find – but they may not find the cache they wanted. Spots that make for great cache hides are also sometimes great for food caches for various species, or temporary den sites. Take a peek into locations, behind rocks, and so on before trying to find a hidden cache!
  3. Stay on trails when advised. Going off trail is typically not a good idea, and at times can be outright illegal or dangerous. While some caches may be placed off trail, always follow local laws and regulations, particularly as many of these are in place to protect biodiversity and habitat for wildlife.

Are you a geocacher? Have you come across wildlife while seeking out a cache? Do you have a tip we should include in a future article? Let us know by commenting on our social channels or emailing us at [email protected].

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