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Where to put the poop?

Nova Scotia is in a real mess. As a tiny province with over 40 mink farms producing over 37,000 tonnes of manure annually, locals are concerned that there is literally nowhere left to put the poop. Furthermore, the runoff associated with these fur farms is already responsible for polluting local waterways, and provincial regulations won’t take affect for another 3 years.But will it be too late?

Nova Scotia is the only province in Canada that has environmental regulations for fur farms, even though the regulations are considered largely toothless.

The Herald News Nova Scotia reports that”….the mink industry is on the cusp of becoming bigger than ever, environmentalists say there’s no more room for the tonnes of mink manure being produced each year.Many people in southwestern Nova Scotia circulated photos this week of what is described as mink-farm waste — including manure — dumped in a Digby County gravel pit. Some have also pointed out a green film on the surface of a nearby watercourse.A 2011 study, prepared for the Nova Scotia Environment Department, suggested the most probable source of nutrients damaging local waterways comes from the mink industry.”

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Photo: Nova Scotia fur farm, July 2012. John Horton.

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