Why should you join us?

Not to brag, but the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals is kind of a big deal. In fact, we’re the largest group in Canada working solely to end the commercial fur trade. It’s not just our dedication that makes us a force to be reckoned with, but we have some pretty strong attributes that make us a compelling choice when considering which non-profit group you should support.

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5 reasons that make us special:

1. RESULTS: We excel at media relations, averaging 1 media article per week – all year long! More coverage and more exposure means more people who learn about the cruel fur trade. We also master social media (over 15K followers and growing), we distribute on average over 50,000 pieces of literature a year, over 40,000 people visit our website annually and we WIN campaigns – including getting municipalities to adopt bylaws to stop lethal wildlife trapping. Oh, and this past year we ran over 500 anti-fur ads in cities across Canada (so there’s that…).

2. FOCUS: With so many issues going on, it’s hard to make change if your resources are stretched too thin. Focusing on one issue (the fur issue) allows our group to maximize our resources. As a result, we achieve real, measurable victories each year and we are a growing organization. We also notice that once people learn about the fur trade they are more inclined to learn about other issues effecting animals such as animal testing and factory farming.

3. STABLE: We have existed since 1944. We are credible, responsible and we’re here to stay. We stretch every penny and we work hard to keep admin costs down. Donors and supporters are treated like family. We are also sane and genuinely caring (pinky swear!).

4: WE CAN LOBBY PARLIAMENT: We are a non-profit organization, not a charity (means we can’t issue tax-receipts) – but have no fear because this is actually a good thing! No charitable status = no political restrictions. Unlike other groups, we can lobby and strike at the root to change outdated laws. More laws on the books means more protection for animals. With your help, we can truly make real, meaningful change.

5. SOLUTION ORIENTED: We don’t just complain about the fur trade. We offer practical help to save the lives of individual animals – for example, we build flow devices to save beavers from lethal trapping and we teach all levels of government how to use non-lethal options to deal with human-wildlife conflicts. We also partner with local rehabilitation centres when we can such as the Critter Care Wildlife Centre in Langley, BC.

It is for these reasons and more that you should take a moment today and join the movement to end the commercial fur trade. For just $25/yr you can help us create real change for the animals.

PS – As if this wasn’t enough, our members get perks. Who doesn’t love a good deal?

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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