Wild animals are not pets

coyote  sad - daniel j cox
Disturbing news arose in Hamilton this week, when Hamilton Animal Services revealed they took action to remove a coyote pup from a city apartment.

What the exact circumstances were that resulted in an individual attempting to keep a wild animal as a pet are unknown. We can say with absolute certainty, however, that it is both tragic and upsetting to all of us.

Young coyotes are cared for by both parents – an uncommon occurrence in the animal kingdom. They are taught how to socialize, how to hunt and really, how to be a coyote. Attempting to keep one of these beautiful animals, who are naturally curious and highly adaptable, in a home – let alone in an apartment in an urban centre – is a foolish endeavour with dire consequences.

This pup will never be wild. He will spend the remainder of his life in a sanctuary rather than under the stars with a family. He will never experience the joy of a hunt or the pride of being a parent. He will not roll and play with brothers and sisters or find the mate with whom he would spend the rest of his life. He will never truly be a coyote.

We urge all our friends to read this story and be aware of the tragedy that occurs when humans try to bring wildlife home. If you see an injured animal, contact your local animal services group or certified/licensed rehabilitation centre. If you know of someone considering keeping a wild animal as a pet, please inform them of the realities of this and provide them with information on wildlife (a great deal is available throughout our site). You can also learn more about coyotes through our friends at Coyote Watch Canada.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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