
The bulk of science shows that co-existence is the most practical, sustainable and long-term method of managing ecosystems. This is not a one-off study, either. Various scientists with a variety of funding from around the world are coming to the same conclusions. We need to live with wildlife – predators, mesopredators, ungulates, scavengers – if we want our environment to thrive.

This list will be updated regularly. If you know of an applicable study that is not in the list, please contact us at [email protected].

More than Mere Numbers: The Impact of Lethal Control on the Social Stability of a Top-Order Predator

This study illustrates that the social structure of predators is disrupted and has extreme consequences when lethal actions are taken.

Wolf Restoration in Yellowstone National Park

This page highlights the downfall of expirdation and ultimate biodiversity success upon the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park.

The Co-Existing With Coyotes Program in Vancouver, B.C.

An outline of the measurable successes of the co-existing with coyotes program started by the Stanley Park Ecology Society in the Metro Vancouver area.

Spatial and Temporal Variation of Coyote (Canis latrans) Diet in Calgary, Alberta

Urban coyotes don’t prey on pets or people – and this analysis proves it.

Dead or alive? Comparing costs and benefits of lethal and non-lethal human–wildlife conflict mitigation on livestock farms

Results of this study show that non-lethal methods of humane-wildlife conflict mitigation can reduce livestock depredation and can be economically beneficial in comparison to lethal alternatives.

Tolerance for predatory wildlife

This paper examines the importance of human awareness to prevent declines in predator populations around the world.

Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations

This study, which examined 25 years of data, shows that the killing of wolves actually increased depredation on livestock overtime.

Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for minimizing wolf–sheep conflict in Idaho

The use of non-lethal strategies is more effective at stopping depredation by wolves on ranging livestock, as is shown in this study that includes a control group.

Coyote Pack Density Doubles Following the Death of a Resident Territorial Male

This work contributes to the body of evidence that shows coyote populations increase during persecution.

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