Tag: Defender Radio

Episode 108: Teamwork

As an organization we seek to promote the protection of fur-bearing animals. But we can’t do it alone. We partner with volunteers, donors, private companies

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Episode 106: On the books

The written word is powerful. Be it a collection of ideas, a policy or a dire warning, words can change the world. In this week’s episode of Defender Radio, we bring to you interviews with Toronto City Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker, who updated city policy to protect coyotes; Dr. Aysha Akhtar, a medical doctor who has written a book warning the world of the consequences of continuing to abuse animals; and Dr. Marc Bekoff, who recently released a collection of his popular Psychology Today essays in a new book.

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Episode 104: Hope

Advocates are exposed to horrendous truths. Injured, abused, neglected and tortured animals become a part of a daily routine for those seeking justice and coexistence.

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