Baited snares put pets at risk
These tips will keep your family safe and show you how to release snare traps in Canada.
These tips will keep your family safe and show you how to release snare traps in Canada.
A record 15 individual incidents of pets caught in traps set for wildlife in 2021 and 2023.
You can help local wildlife and your companion animals sail through the creepy season with these tips!
Tips for wildlife lovers and homes with companion animals to stay cool when summer gets too hot
Trapping is the subject of public debate on Prince Edward Island. Watch our presentation to the government committee studying the issue.
Including dogs, cats, small mammals, and even large animals like horses in your family plan can keep everyone safe should the worst happen.
Multiple dogs killed or injured by traps driving citizen-led effort for change in island province.
Dog’s companion believes the trap was set by a poacher targeting beavers, and land owners say they were unaware of traps.
A few simple tips can help prevent negative issues from arising between people, pets and coyotes.
A citizen-led effort to prohibit commerical trapping and snaring in Prince Edward Island continues to grow and gain momentum.
Learn how to release pets from traps and why dogs and cats are common victims in Canada.
When we consider wildlife interactions from a wild viewpoint, the narrative changes, particularly for pet owners.
Holiday foods can lead to digestive emergencies, stress can lead to behavioural concerns, and a shift in schedules throws anyone off! Read more on how to keep your pets healthy and happy over the holidays.
Killing snares set within town limits highlights importance of municipal trapping bans.
Dr. Jake Brooker joins the podcast from Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in Zambia to share how chimpanzees are exploited by social media and what we can do to help.
Traps set for wildlife pose a danger to the public. This post looks at the circumstances behind companion animals becoming caught in traps.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation plans to kill rabbits on Granville Island. Take action today to halt the killing.
Understanding how to help your pet in a medical emergency can save their life. Enter our giveaway to win an online pet first aid certification course.
The Fur-Bearers’ new educational video provides information on how to release a dog or cat from a trap in an emergency situation.
The viral infection is being found in animals across Canada. You can help slow the spread and protect wildlife with these tips.
Volunteer writer Réjeanne Lacroix shares the joy – and difficulties – in raising pet rabbits, as well as major issues surrounding dumping.
Incidents of companion animals injured and killed crop up in PEI, Manitoba, and Alberta as trapping season opens.
The Fur-Bearers continues to push for common-sense updates to trapping regulations, but in the meantime, these tips may prevent tragedy.
Many rabbits are looking for forever homes. Before you hop into adopting a rabbit, there are a few things you should know.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002