ACTION ALERT: Wolves in Western Canada need your help

BC Alberta wolf caribou cull hunt
Adding to the upsetting news that the government of Alberta will likely expand their wolf cull, the British Columbia government has announced they will begin an aerial assault on the vital predators in a last-ditch effort to protect endangered caribou herds.

In both Alberta and BC scientists have shown that the true culprit behind the dwindling caribou populations is habitat loss and fragmentation, with resource exploitation being the main driver. But that isn’t stopping these governments from continuing to expand resource operations. In fact, as Albertans learned of the probability of the expanded culls, the government was making deals to extend existing and create new land leases for energy and forestry sector businesses.

A total of 184 wolves will be killed as part of the government plan in BC after it was revealed that the South Selkirk caribou herd has declined from 46 in 2009 to 18 last year. But the government also acknowledged that only 37 per cent of the loss was from wolves. That leads us to the question: what’s being done about the other 63 per cent?

This violent cycle of wolf killing is not new, despite our advances in ecological science, technology and, one would hope, compassion.

We need your help. The wolves need your help.


Contact Premier Christy Clark in BC and Premier Jim Prentice in Alberta and demand that these violent resolutions be ended today. Scientists know the true cause of caribou population declines, and it isn’t wolves – it’s poor ecological planning and policy. Make sure you copy your local MLA (find yours for BC or Alberta) on your letter!

Alberta Premier Jim Prentice

Twitter @JimPrentice



BC Premier Christy Clark

Twitter @ChristyClarkBC


250 387-1715


Dear Premier(s),

It has become clear from those who are studying the caribou of Alberta and British Columbia that the only long-term solution for the protection of endangered and at-risk wildlife is an immediate halting of development in sensitive areas. Regardless of how many thousands of wolves are slaughtered, without land, the caribou herds cannot survive. Please listen to reason and stop the senseless, cyclical killing of these sentient animals and look to real, ecological science for solutions. These decisions will be remembered at the next election.

Your name and address

PETITION: Sign the petition for BC wolves!

INDIEGOGO: Help fund the fight against the wolf hunt in BC!

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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