Beaver Institute scholarship applications open Sept. 1

Beavers (Castor canadensis) play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems across North America.

Beavers are a family-oriented, intelligent, key-stone species that help keep ecosystems healthy; they can even help combat the effects of climate change. But beavers are killed across Canada as their damming activities can have a negative impact on land use and infrastructure. Fortunately, there are non-lethal solutions.

The Beaver Institute (located in Massachusetts) provides a comprehensive online course that mentors and trains professionals to resolve human-beaver conflicts using non-lethal and scientifically-proven techniques. Students learn about the role of beavers as a keystone species and how to build and install successful water control devices to resolve beaver dam flooding problems. This program is ideal for individuals interested in beaver management, compassionate conservation, wetlands, biodiversity, restoring streams and ecology. Graduates receive a certificate upon completion of the course. For more information about the BeaverCorps Training Program and the Beaver Institute please visit:

Each year, The Fur-Bearers offers one Canadian a full-scholarship (approximate value $1700) to complete the Beaver Institute’s training program. This is a self-paced program that can be completed at your own pace and is expected to be completed within one year.

Applications for the 2021 Beaver Institute Scholarship open on September 1, 2021 and need to be submitted before September 30, 2021. 

Chris Holstag was the beneficiary of this scholarship in the past. He now owns and operates VanIsle Wetlands, and has this to say about his experience:

“The Fur-Bearers’ scholarship has given me not only the tools to grow a new eco-friendly business that benefits wildlife and my community, but also gives me an opportunity to impact climate change and create a healthier future for everyone.”

Here’s some images from Chris’ projects protecting beavers and infrastructure. Learn about Chris and VanIsle Wetlands at

Apply for the scholarship today by clicking here. Conditions and restrictions apply.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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