445: Turtle Power

Defender Radio Podcast 445: Turtle Power Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre

Defender Radio visited the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, we learned that there are eight native species of turtle in Ontario – and several of them are at-risk. We also learned that there’s a whole lot of dedicated people working exceptionally hard to help turtles. Dr. Sue Carstairs, Executive and Medical Director at the Centre and the Kwartha Turtle Trauma Centre shared her vast knowledge, experience and a tour with the show.

Turtle rehabilitation, surgery, their importance to our ecosystem, why some species are pretty much living dinosaurs, what 3,000 turtle eggs are doing in plastic kitchen containers in Peterborough, and how we can all play a role in making sure there's a future for turtles in Ontariowere discussed in this recorded Facebook live interview, with an additional 25 minutes not previously heard.

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This week's episode of the Defender Radio podcastis presented with the support ofThe Hearty Hooligan: Food Worth Rioting For. Find them onFacebook,Twitter,Instagram, or atTheHeartyHooligan.com.

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