On Oiled Wildlife (528)

Defender Radio POdcast On Oiled Wildlife (528)

It’s just about impossible to be Canadian and not hear about pipelines, oil, tankers, and other environmental and political hot potatoes in British Columbia and Alberta. But in much of the debates, regardless of which side you fall on, there is one element often forgotten: wildlife.

The impact of oil and other materials on wildlife can be extreme, and there is little in the way of support for the professional and volunteer rehabilitators who try to help the animals. Fortunately, training is available, and there are dedicated individuals and organizations who work tirelessly to help animals who come into contact with oil. To discuss what specialized treatment is required, how animals are able to recover from oil spills and other incidents, and what the public can do to help, Defender Radio was joined by Linda Bakker of the Wildlife Rescue Association.

Photo provided by Wildlife Rescue Association

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