The Fur-Bearers submit comments on BC rodenticide changes

A photo of a red fox
Red foxes in Canada. Photo by Jillian Cooper / Getty Images

The Fur-Bearers have prepared our comments on proposed regulatory changes around rodenticide use in British Columbia.

The Government of British Columbia published an Intentions Paper surrounding these changes recently. An important change is a proposed prohibition on accessing and using second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) to the general public, but there will be broad exemptions for commercial use of these rodenticides.

While The Fur-Bearers supports the important step in restricting access and use to dangerous and inhumane rodenticides such as SGARs, the proposed changes have limitations and stop short of a comprehensive ban on all rodenticides.

Read The Fur-Bearers submission below. We encourage residents of British Columbia to submit comments on the government’s public consultation. The deadline is June 19, 2022, more details are below.


The Fur-Bearers are encouraging BC residents to comment on the Intentions Paper and provide feedback supporting the restrictions. We also encourage residents to note that vulnerable birds of prey and other species can and do thrive in many habitats, including urban ones, therefore removing SGARs from all habitats is ideal.

Visit the government’s consultation website to submit your comments through an online form or send your feedback to  (letter mail address in the PDF) by June 19, 2022 to have it included in the final considerations. This website also includes information for webinars for the general public if you would like to register to learn more about the proposed regulatory changes.


  • Always be polite and stay on point. This Intentions Paper is specific to SGARs and management of rodent populations.
  • Provide citations or references when making arguments to ensure they’re considered fully and utilized as part of the conversation about this issue.
  • If you’re submitting feedback via email or letter, include your name and contact information so those reviewing comments know they’re from BC residents specifically. The online submission does not require this information to be shared.


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Established in 1953, The Fur-Bearers is a charitable, non-partisan organization whose goals are to end the commercial fur trade and promote solutions for wildlife coexistence in communities. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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