Review – Tizzy and Me: Fifteen Ways to Love a Mink
Nadja Lubiw-Hazard’s Tizzy and Me is a warm, engaging read with a strong moral centre.
Nadja Lubiw-Hazard’s Tizzy and Me is a warm, engaging read with a strong moral centre.
Author and environmental journalist Sarah Cox shares the story of her new book, the people she met along the way, and what impacts we can all make.
C-8 is a young puma in search of home and safety in the graphic novel by Dr. Tiffany Yap and Meital Smith.
Shark Biology and Conservation a treat for shark lovers, writes Jason Motz for The Fur-Bearers.
President Theodore Roosevelt's conservationism contemplated in new book: Leave It As It Is by David Gessner.
G. A. Bradshaw pays tribute to Charlie with respect, admiration and a decent dose of trans-species psychology, a field of study that she founded. Talking With Bears: Conversations with Charlie Russell was published by Rocky Mountain Books in April this year.
Dr. Gilbert Proulx’s book spells out the scientific case to end the use of snares and strychnine.
Dr. Max Foran takes on the history, establishment, and politics of wildlife policy and challenges the status quo.
John E. Marriott’s book provides breathtaking photos with a truly Canadian story of a love of wildlife, photography,and growing up.
It isn’t often that a children’s storybook about a family of raccoons can make you smirk, cause your heart to race, fall in love with a character, and walk away feeling good, all within 80 pages.
Photographer Jo-Anne McArthur turned her lens on zoos and aquariums. The results will change you.
There is a mounting body of evidence that shows that many species of animals have incredible intelligence, sentience, and depth of emotion long misunderstood. But,
In 1948 it rained beavers. That’s not quite true – 76 beavers were parachuted into the Idaho wilderness that year as part of an effort
What would happen if you put out a watermelon at an animal sanctuary? One day, Rocky Ridge Refuge operator Janice Wolf did just that –
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002