Rabbits in British Columbia are in trouble: new laws coming
Changes to Wildlife Act regulations are coming. Read what this might mean for Cottontail and European rabbits in BC.
Changes to Wildlife Act regulations are coming. Read what this might mean for Cottontail and European rabbits in BC.
Read our open letter about a Saskatchewan Conservation Officer bringing a young moose to a school classroom.
Read The Fur-Bearers’ submission on proposed changes to the use of rodenticides in British Columbia
Language used in media can remove a feeling of responsibility for consequences to wildlife.
GPS-treasure hunt is a great family-friendly activity, especially when being mindful of area wildlife and ecosystems!
Use these tips to stash your trash as wildlife seek easy spring snacks.
Talk to your candidates and find out where they stand on these important issues!
BC animal artist Sarah Ronald on her philosophy, showing human impact on wildlife, the role of art and her new exhibit at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum in Vancouver.
Read the latest research on urban wildlife feeding from The Fur-Bearers.
The Fur-Bearers’ spring silent auction was a huge success for wildlife thanks to donors and bidders!
Our spring silent auction is now live! More than 70 items available with a total value of over $10,000. Bid on your favourites while helping Canadian wildlife!
Managing garbage and other attractants vital to preventing negative encounters. Spread the news!
Spring is here and it’s the end of the 8th season of Defender Radio! Get details about our Spring Silent Auction and more on this final episode of the season.
Get a head start on your Mother’s Day shopping in our spring silent auction! Nearly $10,000 of value is waiting for your bid to support Canadian wildlife!
You’ll be surprised how easy it can be to make a big impact for the animals!
Begin your monthly charitable donation to The Fur-Bearers this March via CanadaHelps.org, and CanadaHelps will make a one-time donation of $20 to us!
The Fur-Bearers are in need of volunteers to assist with pickups for our fox box donation program in Vancouver, BC! Can you help?
Tips to find a reputable, humane wildlife removal agency near you.
BC plans to kill wolves for five more years in a bid to protect endangered caribou. But survey results show most people oppose their plans.
Take action to tell your MPP and the Ministry to enforce laws that can stop a coyote killing contest in Ontario.
The Fur-Bearers are pleased to announce our scholarship award recipients for the 2021 year.
Have you considered these ways to help wildlife during a long Canadian winter?
The Fur-Bearers have come up with four easy New Year’s resolutions that will benefit animals all year round!
Written and Directed by Marisa King; Starring, Kristi Boulton, Marisa King, and Michael Howie. Original carol by Julian Sark.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002