450: Stop Poisoning The Wolves

Defender Radio Podcast 450: Stop Poisoning The Wolves

Poisons that cause extreme suffering and death are being used to cruelly kill wolves. But there’s an opportunity to get at least one of them out of our country. Strychnine, Compound 1080, and M-44 cyanide devices are all used in Alberta to kill wolves – and anything else that comes into contact with them. Some of these poisons are also used in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Several permits that allow the use of Strychnine in Alberta are set to expire in December 2017, creating a unique opportunity to outlaw these disturbing agents of death, and raise awareness of the plight facing not only wolves, but all manner of carnivores targeted with these poisons through baiting.

To understand why these poisons are being used, what other solutions exist for managing livestock conflict and protecting at-risk species, and how we can be part of the change, Defender Radio was joined by Sadie Parr, Executive Director of Wolf Awareness Inc.

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This week's episode of the Defender Radio podcastis presented with the support ofThe Hearty Hooligan: Food Worth Rioting For. Find them onFacebook,Twitter,Instagram, or atTheHeartyHooligan.com.

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