Episode originally released September 2021.
The idea of walking into a flat earth convention makes my tummy hurt. For Dr. Lee McIntyre, it was an exercise in curiosity explored in the introduction of his book, How To Talk To A Science Denier.
Dr. McIntyre is an author, a research fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University and an instructor in Ethics at Harvard Extension School. An award-winning teacher, McIntyre has penned several popular titles on the philosophy of science and anti-science sentiments and strategies. His latest, published by MIT Press this year, is a dive into science denial in the modern era.
How to Talk to A Science Denier combines Dr. McIntyre’s own experiences and thoughts with a well-executed explanation of what, somewhat ironically, science and history can tell us about the current state of science denial. The book itself covers subjects ranging from climate denial to conspiracy theory, flat Earth to anti-vaccine and more. However, as I learned by reading the book and through my conversation with Dr. McIntyre, curiosity, compassion and disconfirming inquiries will play a far greater role in bringing science to those who deny it than I initially thought.
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Learn more about Dr. Lee McIntyre and How To Talk To A Science Denier at https://leemcintyrebooks.com.
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