Study: Garnering population trends through camera-trapping
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin reviews a study that indicates the use of camera-trapping can be effective at monitoring wildlife populations in a minimally-invasive way.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin reviews a study that indicates the use of camera-trapping can be effective at monitoring wildlife populations in a minimally-invasive way.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin breaks down a study that can help understand the causes behind declines – and therefore the solutions.
Researchers show that human factors – like attractants – must be mitigated if policymakers want to see change.
Study published in Nature reveals numerous zoonotic diseases circulating among animals farmed for their fur.
Researcher Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin explains a review of how wildfires impact the health and behaviour of animals.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin explores paper from Frontiers in Conservation Science on how to manage people – and bears – around roadsides in Kananaskis, Alberta.
Dr. Valli Fraser-Celin reviews Cities and the Environment paper that indicates how communities can successfully coexist with coyotes.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife journal includes Social landscapes of wolves in Canada in June
Nicole Murphy’s research looks into how the public perceives coyotes, and how the media may impact these perceptions..
Finding ways to talk about important subjects – like natural sciences – with people who don’t believe in science can be a challenge. But it’s one that Dr. Lee McIntyre takes head on.
Collaboration between The Fur-Bearers and UBC students looked at attitudes and impacts of wildlife feeding.
National survey reveals what Canadians think about killing neck snares and leg-hold traps.
Graduate research contributes to coyote-human coexistence by examining people’s attitudes and emotions toward coyotes.
The Fur-Bearers has called for the University of British Columbia to suspend research project.
Drs. Valli-Laurente Fraser-Celin and Stephanie Rutherford join Defender Radio to discuss how the results of the perceptions of wolves survey can help.
A new article published in Frontiers in Animal Science provides a comprehensize overview into the problems of fur farming.
An iconic Canadian species, wolves play an important role in the country’s ecosystems. But what perspectives do Canadians have towards wolves?
Collaborations between UBC students and The Fur-Bearers look into key issues facing wildlife in British Columbia.
New resesarch provides insight into the number of dogs and cats being caught in wildlife traps across Canada.
New survey explores Canadians’ understandings about humaneness and their attitudes towards animals.
The Fur-Bearers has published a new report: Fur Farming in Canada – Towards a Post-Fur Future.
The Fur-Bearers is pleased to announce the recipients for the The Fur-Bearers Arts & Science Scholarship for 2022.
Do you have an arts-based or research project that focuses on coexisting with fur-bearing animals? You may be eligible for our scholarships!
From COVID-19 oubreaks to impacts on the environment, this post compiles research published in 2022 about fur farming in Canada.
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002