How feeding birds feeds bears and coyotes
You can’t control who gets attracted by food or eats it when left in nature, and that can lead to consequences for wildlife.
You can’t control who gets attracted by food or eats it when left in nature, and that can lead to consequences for wildlife.
Fallen leaves are an essential part of a healthy ecosystem for insects, animals, birds, and soils!
Get to know about this important, fascinating fur-bearer in an in-depth article written by volunteer Réjeanne Lacroix!
The Defender Radio Podcast hears from Saskatchewan’s wildlife rehabilitator about unique challenges, how people can get involved, and what it’s like to save wildlife on a daily basis.
Trophy hunting of grizzlies was ended in 2017 and survey shows residents want it to stay that way
Black bears are being killed in disproportionate numbers in some municipalities, while we all pay the price
Understanding how to help your pet in a medical emergency can save their life. Enter our giveaway to win an online pet first aid certification course.
As trapping seasons open across Canada this fall, The Fur-Bearers want to remind supporters of the dangers of trapping and how to help wildlife.
Diana Belhouse, a trailblazer and tireless advocate, died at the age of 97.
Ecological benefits of beavers are well-documented in research, but are undermined by the commercial trapping licensing regime of the government of BC.
The province needs to implement urgent measures to stop the commercial and recreational trapping of beavers and recognize their ecological benefits.
Covering drainage holes or using a mesh protector may be required by law in your municipality and will prevent injuries to skunks.
You can coexist with skunks in your neighbourhood. These five facts will help get you started!
In Canada’s worst fire season on record, we don’t know for certain what the medium and long-term impacts will be on wildlife, and because of that, there is an urgent need to relieve pressures we can control in the face of uncertainty.
For those who want to learn more about dogs – in a practical, direct way, Dr. Marc Bekoff has a solution: his new book, Dogs Demystified, an A-to-Z Guide to All Things Canine.
September among worst months for bear deaths in British Columbia; residents reminded to secure attractants
Help keep wildlife wild and your community coexisting by using this simple checklist.
The Fur-Bearers join Animal Justice in calling for an end to ‘trial and train’ areas following disturbing photos and videos.
Late summer and fall is a time of increased bear activity. Learn about hyperphagia and the steps you can take to help keep bears and people safe.
There’s a lot to learn about bears just by looking at their poo! Read some fun facts about bear scat!
Removing ripe fruits and berries is an important element of wildlife coexistence that can also provide a service to your community.
Goldenrod species are an important late season pollinator, and provide food sources for native wildlife.
It is illegal to feed wildlife in Vancouver on public and private property – and it may be the cause of a series of negative encounters with raccoons.
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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002