Special Report: Recognizing and Preventing Bloat

Defender Radio Podcast Special Report: Recognizing and Preventing Bloat

If you follow host Michael Howie on social media, you’ll know that last week his dog JJ required emergency surgery for a critical, and unpredictable ailment. Fortunately, he knew how to identify this deadly illness and was able to get her to the Mississauga Oakville Emergency Veterinary Hospital in time. Surgery was performed around 2 am Friday morning, and JJ was declared fit to come home and recover Saturday afternoon.

As a result, this special report is going to focus on bloat – what it is, how to identify it, and some simple measures to help mitigate risks. This is not a replacement for medical advice, and you should immediately contact a veterinarian if you’re concerned your dog is ill. The articles referenced from PetMD.com can be found by clicking here.

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