Alarming trend: More pets caught in traps in BC
A record 15 individual incidents of pets caught in traps set for wildlife in 2021 and 2023.
A record 15 individual incidents of pets caught in traps set for wildlife in 2021 and 2023.
Including dogs, cats, small mammals, and even large animals like horses in your family plan can keep everyone safe should the worst happen.
Learn how to release pets from traps and why dogs and cats are common victims in Canada.
Holiday foods can lead to digestive emergencies, stress can lead to behavioural concerns, and a shift in schedules throws anyone off! Read more on how to keep your pets healthy and happy over the holidays.
Traps set for wildlife pose a danger to the public. This post looks at the circumstances behind companion animals becoming caught in traps.
The Fur-Bearers’ new educational video provides information on how to release a dog or cat from a trap in an emergency situation.
New resesarch provides insight into the number of dogs and cats being caught in wildlife traps across Canada.
Parachutes for Pets in Calgary is a grassroots organization that is working to build community supports to protect the connection between people and their companion
Urban Resource Institute, America’s largest domestic violence residential service provider. and the National Domestic Violence Hotline, recently released the results of their national survey. The
Fireworks can cause panic and significant reactions to wildlife, pets and people living with trauma or anxiety conditions. These tips may help keep animals and people safe.
Pets and wildlife can coexist, too, staring with these tips for your community!
Report launches investigation by World Health Organization.
The Fur-Bearers’ team are keeping furry family members entertained!
Fewer cars on the road doesn’t mean speed limits and danger don’t exist.
It is time for Minister Doug Donaldson to take action and protect British Columbians from the dangers of traps.
Cats face numerous dangers and are a threat to wildlife when allowed to roam. Here’s some tips to keep your cat happy and safe!
The BC SPCA wants cats to have a safe place outside and joined the podcast to discuss catios.
The BC SPCA has created a self-guided tour on June 9, 2019 to show off catios of all shapes and sizes in the Vancouver area.
Responsible pet ownership and understanding the principles of co-existence are key to preventing conflict.
Government program to hand and aerial drop vaccines a compassionate plan.
Municipalities are ditching big booms to protect wildlife, but pyrotechnics aren’t silent.
Fireworks on the May 2-4 weekend are a tradition – but they can create hazardous situations for wildlife and pets. Read our guide to keeping animals safe!
Read our open letter telling BC to protect pets and families from traps with warning signs – and take action yourself!
Creating trap warning sign policies would allow outdoor enthusiasts to make informed decisions. Hear more and take action with this week’s podcast!
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002