Italy bans fur farming!
In a historic vote, Italy becomes the latest country to ban fur farming for all animals.
In a historic vote, Italy becomes the latest country to ban fur farming for all animals.
Read why we think the province needs to follow British Columbia’s lead and support a transition away from fur farming.
Fur farming in BC continues to pose a serious public health risk after mink escape their cages and test positive for SARS-CoV-2.
Board of Agriculture makes ruling to protect against SARS-CoV-2 pandemic virus, which has resulted in the killing of millions of farmed mink.
Rollbacks on cage sizes, no mention of coronavirus and backing off euthanasia requirements shows an industry unwilling or unable to change.
David Suzuki and other researchers point to mounting evidence of disease risks, and ongoing animal welfare issues.
An infected wild mink was found in the immediate area of a Utah mink farm outbreak
TAKE ACTION: Petitions for B.C. residents and Canadians available in this article!
“Biosecurity measures” didn’t keep coronavirus out. And a vaccine won’t end the risk posed by fur farm conditions.
Take action and tell Canada to begin immediate testing and transition farmers out of fur industry.
SARS-CoV-2 devastates mink farms worldwide, regardless of “biosecurity” measures.
News is moving quickly as SARS-CoV-2 continues to wreak havoc in the international fur industry.
As many as 17 million mink will be killed as mutated virus “poses risk to the effectiveness” of future COVID-19 vaccines
More than one million mink culled in Europe after virus rips through farms.
High percentage of mink tested positive on Aragon fur farm recently.
Our response to the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture regarding COVID-19 and mink farms in the province.
European nation is second to report infections in workers.
What we know, what people are saying and how it's going to impact the animals on this week's Defender Radio podcast, featuring Faunalytics.
13 mink farms are uninspected and running in British Columbia.
Coronavirus is spreading in European mink farms – yet BC’s mink farms haven’t been inspected in over a year.
The Fur-Bearers calls on government to put protections in place at fur farms.
Researchers and rehabilitators could spread virus to wild bats, expert warns.
Report launches investigation by World Health Organization.
The Fur-Bearers’ team are keeping furry family members entertained!
Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002