Tag: coyote

Success or Failure: Predator Removal (533)

Can predator removal be successful in resolving conflict? Or is it doomed to failure? Will co-existence emerge as the scientifically proven champion of management? Get the answers from PhD candidate and study author Robert James Lennox!

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443: Good Coyote, Bad Rap

Dr. Simon Gadbois responds to folk-logic raised in documentary Bad Coyote, and discusses co-existence, fear, and the science of canids in Nova Scotia.

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Three behaviours people mistake for aggression in coyotes

The Fur-Bearers often come across well-meaning individuals who see wildlife, particularly coyotes, acting in a way they believe to be aggressive. These observations are typically simple misunderstandings – but the consequences can be dire, leading to poor policy or general public fear of innocent animals.

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